Entry #7. Fresh

FRESH: Sustainable Food Production in America

The film Fresh: Sustainable Food Production in America is a documentary film. A documentary is a film where something factual and specific is discussed for a public matter. The purpose of this film in general was to raise awareness or try to promote a more environmental friendly and acceptable approach to food production.

The targeted audience, in this case, are the food consumers who are looking for a change in the way their food is grown. They aim to seek food sources that they believe are better and sustainable for them.

The tone of this film is serious and informative, as it is trying to educate and inspire viewers, like me, to think about what they are consuming on an everyday basis. The parts of the film that stood out to me the most was in the beginning and somewhat in the middle. In the beginning, the interview between the farming couple admits that what they give their chickens is suspicious and that they don't really know what is going into their produce. On the other hand, towards the middle, Will Allen, the urban farmer, talks about the healthiest ways he treats his plants and everything else he produces. I was amazed at how he knew his facts very well compared to the couple in the beginning.

This film made me think of the food I eat everyday. I wondered if what I was consuming had any harmful chemicals or if it was grown naturally with no modifications. I did feel worried, but now I know to do some research or read labels before eating. I really liked this film, because it focused more on the importance of educating the viewers on its call to action.

This film is important to certain viewers: those who care about their foods and how they are produced. It is easier to not be aware about issues regarding the food we eat, because that way there are no problems and everyone goes on about their day. But, it is not healthy to be living like this. If everyone was aware of the issues our food is involved in, our health could possibly be bettering every day.


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