Entry # 2. My five year plan...
What is a five-year plan? A five-year plan is a list or a roadmap of professional and personal goals that a person wants to achieve with in the next five years. These goals include career, health, relationship, finance, or familywise. Need help setting up yours? Here's a link to aid you in the right direction: 5-Year Goals: How to Create a 5-Year Plan The Goal Today The objective today is to give my readers an example of what someone's life might look like moving five years forward from today using the blog/weblink provided above, step by step. Come along with me! Step 1: List your values: "In terms of personal fulfillment, it’s crucial to have a sense of your personal values . A personal value is a worthwhile idea or behavior that guides short-term decisions and long-term goals. Personal values may include integrity, compassion, stewardship, and authenticity." My values: Determination and Compassion -Determination is someone's purpose to do what they want t...